Rare Heritage Breed Randall Cattle

Many of America’s once-common farm animals face extinction if we do not take action. According to the Livestock Conservancy, 80 different types of farm animals have breeding stock numbers so low as to cause concern, and critically rare breeds such as our Randall Cattle represent an "irreplaceable piece of earth’s biodiversity" and offer incredible variety that may be needed for future farming – such as robust health, mothering instincts, foraging, and the ability to thrive in a changing climate. These farm animals are a vital part of ensuring local food security for us and maybe even for our planet – now, and for the future.
Meet A Few of Our Cows...
If all goes well we will have 30 head of cattle after our Spring 2024 calving season. That is a year ahead of plan. We are on our way to producing the only heritage beef in Delaware. Randall Beef is highly regarded for its buttery flavor.